What Does an Auto Accident Attorney Do?

What Does an Auto Accident Attorney Do?

All your life, you’ve been told not to trust lawyers, but now something horrible has happened, and you desperately need one, right? Well, you’re not alone. Thousands of victims each year seek the help of competent car accident lawyers to help them get through the mess created by an incident.

Car accidents are not uncommon on the streets of Texas, and the damages incurred by such events are immense, so to speak, physically, emotionally, and financially. But there is a ray of hope for all injured parties, at least in Texas, and that is the right to sue the party responsible for your losses.

Of course, things don’t have to come down to a car accident lawsuit, but that is how many cases are resolved.

But where do lawyers come in?

Do you seek the legal help of personal injury lawyers only when you plan to file a lawsuit or when you need someone to negotiate with the insurance adjuster? No, attorneys can be of great help at all stages of your personal injury case.


Understanding Traffic Accidents

Before reading how an experienced attorney can help you with your personal injury case, let’s explore the details of car accident cases to see where a victim stands in such claims.


Causes and responsibilities

To sue those responsible, you will first need to establish that the other driver was unequivocally at fault for your accident. This means that you will need not only compelling evidence, but also a coherent narrative that truthfully presents the facts and affirms your car accident claim.

Of course, this is only possible if the other person is at fault.

The first step in establishing negligence is knowing how car accidents happen.

For example, in the event of a rear-end collision, the driver who rear-ended your vehicle would be clearly at fault.

However, in other cases, such as a head-on collision, or a rollover accident, or a distracted driving accident, details will be needed to confirm the culprit. This is because it needs to be established that he had no role in causing the accident and that it could have been prevented.

Let’s say the other driver was texting at the time of the accident, and his lawyer could get the phone records to show that this was the case. Similarly, surveillance footage can help you prove how the other party acted negligently.

Of course, there is a small chance that you may also be partially responsible for the accident. But don’t worry, as long as your share of the fault does not exceed 50%, you will be entitled to adequate compensation and have every right to sue the other party, even for a small amount.


How can an experienced car accident lawyer make a difference?

Okay, so where do the lawyers come in?

If you ask us, we would tell you that you should call a qualified car accident lawyer as soon as you can. Most insurance adjusters are in a hurry to get compensation. This is not because they feel bad for you, but simply because they want to end the problem without having to pay a decent sum.

Never fall into this trap.

If the adjuster calls or visits you, be sure not to give any statements; be polite, you can justify yourself by saying that you don’t feel well at the moment and that you would feel more comfortable doing this when you feel better.

This is the time when you should pick up your phone and seek the services of a reputable personal injury law firm like Calhoun Meredith (if you are in Texas).

The goal is quite simple: get you compensation for your economic and non-economic losses, and this is how attorneys can help you with it.


They will advise you on legal matters


It’s easy to get confused about what to do and what options are right for you after a personal injury case. Since there is a huge amount of information on the Internet and they all offer unique ideas and opinions.

Therein lies the problem: too much information can actually hurt your chances of winning fair compensation because it can lead you to act in a way that is detrimental to your case.

Just make sure the advice you’re getting is tailored to your specific situation (ie, what to do when the responsible party’s insurance coverage is limited). For example, even this article has been written in general, don’t count on online tips to help you through all situations. The best thing to do here is to get the help of a lawyer and do what he says.

The lawyers have extensive knowledge in their fields and are highly experienced which means that anything they ask you to do will help your case, i.e. they can strengthen your case by highlighting a reckless driving history of the culprit.

If you’re not sure what to do or where to start, reach out to the experts.


Legal representation at all levels


Ya sea que planee llegar a un acuerdo con el ajustador de seguros o llevar a la parte responsable a la corte, usted puede contar con un abogado con experiencia para que lo haga a través de la pelea que le espera.

El proveedor de seguros (de la parte culpable) no estará ansioso por entregar el acuerdo máximo de su reclamo de seguro. Aún así, su abogado se encargará de hacer que vean el alcance total del daño que usted sufrió y por lo tanto que cooperen.

Si su caso es lo suficientemente sólido, el ajustador se sentirá más obligado a llegar a un acuerdo de manera justa porque los acuerdos judiciales a través de demandas por lesiones personales pueden ser mucho más grandes.

Pero si tiene que arrastrar al conductor culpable a un juicio, espere una operación completa de su abogado, quien preparará su caso y lo ayudará con su declaración.

Al llenar cualquier vacío en su narrativa y presentar articuladamente la evidencia disponible, el abogado se asegurará de mover al jurado a su favor, haciéndoles ver cómo usted ha sufrido debido a la negligencia de otra persona.

Cualquiera que sea la opción que elija, un abogado de lesiones por accidentes será de gran ayuda, asegúrese de ponerse en contacto con uno, incluso si solo es para una consulta inicial.


Additional services

But that is not all. Car accident attorneys can do much more for you by helping you build a strong case by:

They will investigate every detail of the case to help you fill in the gaps in your evidence.
They will give you a fair estimate of compensation for the damages you have suffered.
They will help you with bodily injury liability determinations of the responsible party and explore other responsible parties.
They will document evidence of damage, reconstruct the accident scene, seek expert opinion, record witness statements, etc. to make your case as strong as possible.
They will even help you see if your case deserves punitive damages (ie drunk driving, distracted driving, etc.), especially if your case involved serious injury (ie traumatic brain injury) or destruction of property.
If you only have the option of seeking compensation from your own insurance coverage, ie from health insurance, they will help you with this as well.


Calhoun Meredith Offers Much-Needed Legal Help in Motor Vehicle Collision Cases


Going over your motor vehicle accident case alone may be doable at first, but that is far from the truth, and the insurance adjuster will be the last person you should trust in this regard. It is a conflict of interest for insurance companies to offer you a fair settlement without a fight.

car accident lawyer
Therefore, obtaining the services of a competent personal injury lawyer with extensive experience should be a priority if you want to obtain justice for your case based on the extent of the damages incurred on you, that is, a minor bumper dent and a serious frontal collision are not the same.

And if you’re worried about attorneys’ fees, then don’t worry; Our experienced legal teams of Calhoun Meredith accident lawyers are deeply committed to helping accident victims like you with decades of experience in this field.

Since we work on a contingency fee basis, you will only have to pay when you win your claim under the insurance policy.

Call us today and start claiming your maximum compensation!


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